Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2018)
The SSR based linkage map construction and identification of QTLs for blast (Pyricularia grisea) resistance in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) r. br.)
Sanghani Jayeshkumar Maganlal, AO Sanghani, VV Kothari, SS Raval, JH Kahodariya, HR Ramani, KJ Vadher, HP Gajera, BA Golakiya and MK Mandavia
Blast of pearl millet is one of the most important devastating diseases limiting pearl millet productivity. The DNA-based marker tools facilitate better understanding of the inheritance and expression of blast. To fulfill the objectives, two pearl millet inbred parental lines viz. J – 2537 x ICMB - 95444 were crossed to produce F
1 and the F
1 progenies were selfed to produce mapping population comprising of 36 segregating F
2 progenies for generating marker data using 55 SSR out of 100 markers exhibiting clear polymorphism between parental lines. The blast screening of segregating F
2 population progenies against Blast was done at JAU, Jamnagar. R-QTL interval mapping method identified two blast QTLs on Linkage Group 1 and Linkage Group 6. This best single-QTL model detected by interval mapping on Linkage Group 1 (BRP11 marker) recorded a high LOD score of 8.2 and explained 46.4% phenotypic variation with map position 15.8 Linkage Group 6 (BRP37 marker) recorded a high LOD score of 1.6 and explained 36% phenotypic variation in blast incidence among 36 F
2 progenies against
Pyricularia grisea pathogen. The confidence interval detected that the position between 10-18 cM on linkage group 1 was responsible for the resistance against blast in pearl millet. The effect plot for marker BRP11 indicated that the resistance against the blast was governed by dominant inheritance and can be easily used for the transfer of trait through marker assisted selection using marker BRP11
Pages: 3057-3064 | 1639 Views 590 Downloads
Sanghani Jayeshkumar Maganlal, AO Sanghani, VV Kothari, SS Raval, JH Kahodariya, HR Ramani, KJ Vadher, HP Gajera, BA Golakiya and MK Mandavia. The SSR based linkage map construction and identification of QTLs for blast (Pyricularia grisea) resistance in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) r. br.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(2):3057-3064.