An investigation was carried out on “carotenoids as influenced by the chemicals, steam blanching and oranganic acids in carnation” at College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during the year 2014. Effect of pre-drying treatments (steam blanching and organic acids) on total carotenoids (µg/g) in carnation was studied using cultivar: Harvey with 9 treatments
viz., T
1 - Steam blanching for 1 min, T
2 - Steam blanching for 2 min, T
3 - Soaking in citric acid (0.5%) for 15 min,T
4 - Soaking in citric acid (1%) for 15 min,T
5 - Soaking in ascorbic acid (0.5%) for 15 min,T
6 - Soaking in ascorbic acid (1%) for 15 min,T
7 - Soaking in tartaric acid (0.5%) for 15 min, T
8 - Soaking in tartaric acid (1%) for 15 min and T
9 - Control (Soaking in distilled water for 15 min). Similarly effect of pre-drying treatments (chemicals) on total carotenoids (µg/g) in carnation was studied using cultivar: Harvey with 9 treatments
viz., T
1 - Soaking in sodium bisulphite (1%) solution for 30 min, T
2 - Soaking in sodium bisulphite (2%) solution for 30 min, T
3 - Soaking in magnesium chloride (5%) solution for 5 h ,T
4 - Soaking in magnesium chloride (10%) solution for 5 h,T
5 - Soaking in magnesium sulphate (5%) solution for 4 h, T
6 - Soaking in magnesium sulphate (10%) solution for 4 h and T
7 - Control (Soaking in distilled water for 30 min). Minimum retention of total carotenoids (21.51 µg/g) was observed when flowers of cv. Harvey treated with distilled water for 15 min (T
9). Among the chemical treatments, minimum retention of total carotenoid content (17.86 µg/g) was observed when flowers of cv. Harvey treated with sodium bisulphite (2%) for 30 min (T
2). Hence, the pre-drying treatments should be utilized for producing better quality dehydrated flowers.