Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2018)
Effect of bio-control agents on soil borne pathogens: A review
Sadhna Singh, Rahul Kumar, Shikha Yadav, Raushan Kumar, Pratibha Kumari and Ravi Kant Singh
Research in the past few years has clearly shown that selected strains of the fungi and bacteria provide an eco-friendly well balanced plant health management system through systemic resistance to diseases of biotic and a biotic nature, increasing seed vigour, improving nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency, enhancement of root area. Bio-control association also stimulated plant defensive mechanisms induction of resistance metabolism similar to the hypersensitive response, systemic acquired resistance and induced systemic resistance in plants. There is a growing demand for biologically based soil borne pathogen management practices.
Pages: 406-411 | 3251 Views 1749 Downloads
Sadhna Singh, Rahul Kumar, Shikha Yadav, Raushan Kumar, Pratibha Kumari and Ravi Kant Singh. Effect of bio-control agents on soil borne pathogens: A review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3):406-411.