S Mohanty, GS Sahu, SK Dash, SR Pradhan and S Nahak
An experiment on integrated nutrient management in french bean was conducted during 2016-17 with the treatments being T
1 (RDF), T
2 (RDF + lime), T
3 (75% RDF), T
4 (75% RDF + lime), T
5 (75% RDF +25% FYM), T
6 (75% RDF + 25% FYM + lime), T
7 (75% RDF + 25 % vermicompost), T
8 (75% RDF + 25% vermicompost + lime), T
9 (75 % RDF + 12.5 % vermicompost + 12.5 %FYM + lime), T
10 (50% RDF +25% FYM + 2 foliar spray), T
11 (50% RDF +25% vermicompost + 2 foliar spray). Observations on seed quality parameters like vigour index, germination percentage and seedling dry weight were taken and conclusion were made. As per the observations, the highest vigour index-1 and vigour index-II was recorded in T
9 (3817.8) and T
7 (12731) respectively. The highest germination percentage was found with T
8 (92.00) followed by 91.30 in (T
3) and the dry weight of the seedling was highest in T
7 (0.146g) followed by T
5 (0.134g) and T
1 (0.123g).
S Mohanty, GS Sahu, SK Dash, SR Pradhan and S Nahak. Study of effect of different integrated nutrient management practices on seed quality in French bean. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3):826-828.