Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Issue 3 (2018)
Pharmacognostical studies of Portulaca olercea Linn. Collected from polluted and unpolluted sites
Portulaca oleracea Linn. commonly known as Purselane belongs to family Portulacaceae. Samples of this plant were collected from polluted site and unpolluted site and were analyzed for dry weight, total ash, and acid and water soluble ash. In addition to this qualitative test for pharmacognostical parameters were conducted. Dry matter and total ash values were found to be high in the roadside samples growing as weed in nutrient poor soil. These plants were exposed to traffic exhaust on continuous basis. On the other hand these values were recorded to be comparatively less in plants cultivated in pots in unpolluted area of garden side. Qualitative test for pharmacognostical parameters tested positive for alkaloids, carbohydrates, protein, tannins, saponin, and flavonoids. The intensity of these tests was higher in the samples collected from polluted sites. Present piece of research work shows that
Portulaca oleracea has potential to grow under poor conditions with relatively high concentration of essential secondary metabolites.
Pages: 1271-1273 | 1287 Views 385 Downloads
Sushmita Negi. Pharmacognostical studies of Portulaca olercea Linn. Collected from polluted and unpolluted sites. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3):1271-1273.