Sunil Kumar, RN Meena, Tej Ram Banjara, Vikram Kumar, K Hemalatha, Hari Singh, Sandeep Kumar and Sanjeev Kumar Kashyap
The field experiment was undertaken at Agricultural Research Farm, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during
kharif and
rabi season of 2016
-17 and 2017
-18 to evaluate the effect of summer green manuring with adoption of different tillage practices on growth indices of wheat crops under irrigated condition of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The field experiment was laid
-out in split plot design with three replications. The treatment comprised of four tillage practices in main plot
viz., T
1 (CTM
-CTW), T
2 (MTM
-MTW), T
3 (MTM
-ZTW), T
4 (ZTM
-ZTW) and five summer green manuring in sub plot
viz., M
1 (summer fallowing), M
2 (Dhaincha (
Sesbania aculeata), M
3 -Sunnhemp (
Crotalaria juncea), M
4 (Clusterbean (
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba), M
5- Cowpea (
Vigna sinensis) were investigated. The result revealed that the crop growth rate of wheat was significantly influenced by tillage practices and summer green manuring during both the years. However, relative growth rate was not significantly affected during both the years of investigation. Among the tillage practices the significantly highest crop growth rate (g/m
2/day) was recorded in T
- ZTW (0.389, 0.398, 0.925, 0.962, 4.714, 4.704, 1.914, 1.967 at 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvest, respectively in both years) at all the stage of observation during both the years but it was found statistically at par with T
-CTW). Among the summer green manuring practices, crop growth rate was significantly highest in M
2 -Dhaincha (
Sesbania aculeata) (0.389, 0.397, 0.921, 0.952, 4.728, 4.701, 1.943, 2.016 at 30, 60, 90 DAS and at harvest, respectively in both years) but it was statistically at par with M
3-Sunnhemp (
Crotalaria juncea) at all the growth stages of wheat during both the years. In conclusion, zero tillage wheat with dhaincha or sunhemp was the best practice for the cultivation of wheat under irrigated conditions of Eastern Uttar Pradesh.
Sunil Kumar, RN Meena, Tej Ram Banjara, Vikram Kumar, K Hemalatha, Hari Singh, Sandeep Kumar and Sanjeev Kumar Kashyap. Effect of different tillage practices and summer green manuring on growth indices of wheat under irrigated condition of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(3):1332-1335.