Present investigation reveals the host range of
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from various crops by cross inoculation method. Forty one diseased specimens were collected from different localities of Western Maharashtra and subjected to tissue isolation on PDA. Out of 41 specimens obtained from different hosts, 14 isolates from 14 various hosts were found to be pathogenic when inoculated on respective plant part. These 14 isolates were used for further study and further abbreviated as Cg-1 to Cg-14. The identification of isolates was confirmed from their morphology. Among all these 14 isolates, Cg-5 i.e. from mango found more aggressive, which was on par with Cg-2 i.e. from custard apple. All these isolates were produced typical anthracnose or fruit rot symptoms on various host crops upon artificial inoculation. Almost all these 14 isolates produced typical symptoms of
C. gloeosporioides on various host crops within 7-10 days upon artificial inoculation. Among all, Cg-1, Cg-2, Cg-4, Cg-5 and Cg-8 were found highly aggressive, which were isolated from pomegranate, custard apple, guava, mango and chilli respectively. The isolates obtained from Amaryllidaceae (Onion and Garlic) family was able to infect, the crops only belongs to the same family. But isolates, obtained from crops of other family can infect the crops of Amaryllidaceae (Onion and Garlic) family. Finally it can be concluded that all the isolates of
C. gloeosporioides collected from various crops of Western Maharashtra, showed wide host range according to locality.