S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Evaluation of fungicides on Sclerotium oryzae, incitant of rice stem rot disease
Atla Rangarani, CPD Rajan, R Sarada Jayalakshmi Devi, V Lakshmi Narayana Reddy and P Sudhakar
Pages: 01-03 | 3320 Views 1124 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Mango seed kernel, a highly nutritious food, should we continue to trash or use?
Gordhan N Patel and Jasminkumar Kheni
Pages: 04-07 | 10373 Views 7821 Downloads | Country: United States
United States |
3 |
Antimicrobial studies on the extract of Benkara malabarica (Lam.) triveng and Tarenna asiatica (L.) kuntze Ex K. schum
M Shanthamani and R Ulagi
Pages: 08-11 | 2613 Views 741 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Isolation of pythium species from damping off affected onion rhizospheric soil, using baiting technique
Avinash D Patil and Mohan Singh Rathore
Pages: 12-13 | 2783 Views 946 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Effect of soil moisture stress on physiological process of plant and yield of pigeonpea genotypes
Suraj S Ransing, Ganesh N Jadhav and Sunil K Nikalje
Pages: 14-17 | 2752 Views 440 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Effect on vegetative growth and reproductive development of Chinese sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) treated with various growth controlling strategies
RHS Raja, MS Wani, Rafiya Mushtaq, ZA Bhat, AR Malik and Kounser Javid
Pages: 18-24 | 2370 Views 572 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
An ayurvedic review on Amavata
Brijesh Kumar, Satya Prakash Chaudhary, Richa Anand, Rashmi Yadav, Roli Mishra and Anil Kumar Singh
Pages: 25-27 | 3421 Views 1137 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Effect of different sources of sugars and TSS levels on quality of sapota [Manilkara achras (Mill) foresberg] wine Cv. kalipatti
MC Kasture, JJ Kadam, CD Pawar and AA Dademal
Pages: 28-31 | 4644 Views 1493 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Ficus religiosa: A wholesome medicinal tree
Sandeep, Ashwani Kumar, Dimple, Vidisha Tomer, Yogesh Gat and Vikas Kumar
Pages: 32-37 | 9454 Views 5013 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Development of breakfast cereal based on quality protein maize by twin screw extrusion process for improved nutrition
Navjot Kaur, Baljit Singh and Savita Sharma
Pages: 38-48 | 2924 Views 1008 Downloads | Country: India
India |