A field experiment was conducted during the
rabi season of 2016-17 at College Farm, Navsari Agriculture University,
Navsari, Gujarat to study the Effect of sowing dates and crop spacing on growth, yield and quality of linseed. The treatments comprised of 4 sowing dates, Viz. D
1: 3
rd week of October, D
2: 4
th week of October, D
3: 1
st week of November and D
4: 2
nd week of November in main plots and 3 spacing (S
1: 20 cm x 5 cm, S
2: 30 cm x 5 cm and S
3: 40 cm x 5 cm) in sub-plots, replicated four times in a split plot design. Sowing dates as well as spacing significantly affected growth characters, yield attributes, yield, oil yield and Economics. The results of the experiment showed significantly higher plant height (59.62 cm), number of branches/plant (9.78), number of seeds/capsule (6.62), test weight (6.61 g), seed yield (1272 kg/ha), stover yield (2908 kg/ha), oil yield (476 kg/ha) and accrued highest net realization (₹ 73,252/ha) with BCR (4.47) were recorded in sowing on 1
st week of November (D
3). Sowing of linseed with narrow spacing S
1 (20 cm x 5 cm) was recorded significantly higher plant height (59.62 cm), seed yield (1262 kg/ha), stover yield (2976 kg/ha), oil yield (471 kg/ha) and also reported maximum net realization (₹ 72,565/ha) with BCR (4.43).
Ganvit JB, Seema Sharma, Vaishali H Surve and Ganvit VC. Effect of sowing dates and crop spacing on growth, yield and quality of linseed under south Gujarat condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1):388-392.