Shailendra Suryawanshi Sanjay, Darshan KN, Radhakrishna DB, Rakesh MN, Sameed Kabbinavar and Dr. Zaranappa
Medicinal plant belongs to the earliest known health care products that have been used by the mankind. Over three-quarter of the world population rely on the use of traditional medicines for their primary health care needs and they are regarded as alternative to synthetic drugs because of local availability, eco-friendly nature and lower prices and playing an important role in majority of countries for providing health care to large section of population. Many Indian plants have been quoted to be useful as medicinal agents as they are effective with fewer side effects and are also inexpensive.
Allium among the oldest of all cultivated plants which belongs to the family Liliaceae and traditionally used as spice and flavoring agent for foods. Phytochemically it composed of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fibers and organosulphur compounds. Due to presence of wide range of phytochemicals it has potential biological activities such as antiviral, anticancer activity, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, radio protective, hepatoprotective, cardio protective, hypolipidemic, diuretic and digestive activity and used to treat variety of diseases and disorders. Hence
Allium sativum Linn. Containing products were used as sources of medicinein many ways in human beings in their day today life. In the present work literature survey has been done on its pharmacognostic, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects and were reviewed briefly.
Shailendra Suryawanshi Sanjay, Darshan KN, Radhakrishna DB, Rakesh MN, Sameed Kabbinavar and Dr. Zaranappa. Phytochemicals and Potential Biological Activities of Allium sativum Linn.. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1):662-670.