Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2019)
Effect of sewage and industrial effluents application on soil physical properties and nutrients uptake by plants under Faridabad district of Haryana, India
Hanumant Singh, MD Sarware Alam, Sushma R Ingle, Sumit Raizada, Devraj and DS Dahiya
The present investigation, a field survey experiment was conducted during summer season in Faridabad district of Haryana. The treatments consisted of six irrigation sites; in which five irrigations sites with sewage and industrial effluents and one irrigated site with tube well water. The treatments were replicated three times under randomized block design, with soils and crops plant. Effect of continuous irrigation of sewage and industrial effluent on soil physical properties, nutrients uptake by plants in the adjoining areas of Faridabad district of Haryana was ascertained. The organic suspended solids (organic matter) content of sewage and industrial effluents are high and its addition to agricultural soils often improves soil physical properties. The uptake of primary nutrients (N, P and K), micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr and Ni) in fodder plants (berseem) and vegetable plants (tomato) grown under sewage and industrial effluents irrigation was higher as compared to cereal crops and then tube well water irrigation plants.
Pages: 835-839 | 1407 Views 609 Downloads
Hanumant Singh, MD Sarware Alam, Sushma R Ingle, Sumit Raizada, Devraj and DS Dahiya. Effect of sewage and industrial effluents application on soil physical properties and nutrients uptake by plants under Faridabad district of Haryana, India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1):835-839.