A field experiment was conducted during the year 2017-18 at college of Agriculture, Badnapur with aim to study the effect of seed fortification with Molybdenum (Mo) and foliar application of Zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe) on uptake of nutrient at critical growth stages of soybean crop. The treatments comprised of RDF along with seed fortification of Mo and foliar application Zn and Fe alone and in different combination. The foliar application Zn and Fe @ of 0.5% was undertaken at 30, 50 and 70 days after sowing. The results emerged out from this study indicated that the significant and maximum nutrient uptake i.e. 174.18, 181.55 and 186.39 kg N ha
-1, 16.84, 17.81 and 19.23 kg Pha
-1, 128.17, 134.35 and 141.13 kg K ha
-1 and 18.96, 21.12 and 24.34 kg S ha
-1 were recorded at flowering, pod formation and harvesting stages of soybean crop with application of treatment T
9 which received RDF along with seed fortification of Mo and foliar application Zn and Fe. Similarly micronutrient uptake was also noticed significant and maximum i.e. 162.91, 166.91 and 177.41 g. Zn ha
-1, 398.85, 401.24 and 402.39 g. Fe ha
-1and 189.57, 198.18 and 203.15 g. Mo ha
-1 at flowering pod formation and harvesting stage of soybean plot with use of treatment T
9, except the Fe content was found maximum with the use of treatment T
6 which comprised of RDF along with foliar application of Fe and Zn. The grain and strw yield was found to be significantly highest i.e.2666.30Kg and 2247.60 Kg ha
-1with addition of treatment T