Broccoli (
Brassica oleracea var italica) which is an important vegetable crop, supposed to be the first of the Cole crops evolved from the wild species of cabbage or kale. It is gaining popularity throughout the sub-Himalayan region of West Bengal especially in Terai zone due to ever growing demand for its tender knob and processed products like soup, vegetable curry preparation and others makes it popular. But due to the deficiency of some micronutrients in the soil of terai region, broccoli not gives good return for this reason the experiment was done to give a recommendation and standardize dose of application to the farmers for better yield. An experiments was conducted at Horticultural Farm of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, West Bengal. The present experiment was carried out to standardize the application of micronutrients at crop foliage and ensure rapid uptake of nutrients. In this experiment three important micronutrients with dose
viz., molybdenum in the form of ammonium molybdate (0.3% and 0.5%), sulphur in from of ammonium sulphate (0.05%, 0.25% and 0.5%) and zinc in the forms of zinc sulphate (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) along with their combinations were applied through foliar spray at 30 and 45 days after transplanting on locally popular cultivar "Green Magic" of broccoli. The present investigation treatment 0.03% M + 0.05% S + 1.5% Z
for head size and diameter, 0.05% M + 0.05% S+ 1.5% Z
for number of leaf and 0.05% M + 0.05% S+ 1.5% Z for net head weight and chlorophyll content of the head were found to be best. Whereas, combination treatment 0.03%Mo+ 0.5%S
+ 1.5% Zn for vitamin A and 0.03%Mo+ 0.5%S
+ 1% Zn for leaf chlorophyll content and ascorbic acid were found to be best.