The present study was conducted at central research farm of Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences. Allahabad during Rabi season 2016 to 2017. The data presented, the response of different organic manures sprayed against
Alternaria porri of garlic where improved growth of garlic at 40 days after sowing was observed. Among all the treatments the maximum plant height was recorded in T
2 Poultry manure (39.53cm), followed by T
4 Neem cake (36.50 cm), T
3 Goat manure (33.67 cm), T
1 Farmyard manure (32.87cm), T
5 Vermi compost (32.10 cm), while it was lowest in T
0 (control - 25.97 cm). The different organic manures against purple blotch disease were improved growth of garlic at 70 days after sowing. Perusal of the data indicated that all the treatments significantly increased plant height of garlic. In T
2 Poultry manure (54.57cm), followed by T
4 Neem cake (53.87cm), T
3 Goat manure (53.80), T
1 Farmyard manure (51.97cm), T
5 Vermi compost (51.60cm), as compared with T
0 Control (43.20cm). Data revealed that at 90 days after sowing all the organic manures treatments significantly increased the plant height as comparison with control. The highest plant height was recorded in T
2 Poultry manure (58.13cm), followed by T
4 Neem cake (55.93cm), T
3 Goat manure (55.40cm), T
1 Farmyard manure (55.13cm), T
5 Vermi compost (51.71cm).