Rajath HP, Dr. Jadeyegowda M, Bhimashankar, Dr. Veeranna HK and Dinesh Kumar M
Weeds are one of the important factors that impose a great threat to crop yield. In order to attenuate weed infestation in paddy, the efficacy of various chemicals likeButachlor, Bensulfuron methyl + Pretilachlor and Oxadiargyl as pre emergence herbicides, Penoxsulum, Bispyribac sodium, 2,4 D and Ethoxysulfuron as post emergent application and its combinations were tested during the
Kharif season of 2016 at Agricultural and Horticulture Research Station, Ponnmapet, Virajpet taluk, Kodagu district of Karnataka. Result revealed that application of oxadiargyl 80 % WP @ 100 g a.i. ha
-1 at 3 DAT followed by Penoxsulum @ 22.5 g a.i. ha
-1 at 20 DAT found effective in controlling sedges, grassy and broad leaf weeds as well as recorded higher growth parameters like plant height (104.54 cm), number of tillers (21.43), number of leaf (20.05), leaf area (344.65 cm
2/hill), leaf area index (1.72), total dry matter (65.13g /hill) as a resulted obtained highest grain (4068 kg/ha) and straw yield (5298 kg/ha) compared to other herbicidal treatments.
Rajath HP, Dr. Jadeyegowda M, Bhimashankar, Dr. Veeranna HK and Dinesh Kumar M. Comparative efficacy of pre and post emergence herbicides on growth and yield of paddy in Kodagu region. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(1):2688-2690.