An experiment was conducted during summer season of 2015 and 2017 at Agronomy Research Farm of N. D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (U.P.), to study the
“Weed management studies in Japanese mint (
Mentha arvensis L.). The experiment consisted of 14 treatment combination with propaquizafop
- p
- ethyl @ 40 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
1), propaquizafop
- p
- ethyl @ 60 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
2), propaquizafop
- p
- ethyl @ 80 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
3), propaquizafop
- p
- ethyl @ 100 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
4), clodinafop
propargyl @ 40 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
5), clodinafop
propargyl @ 60 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
6), clodinafop
propargyl @ 80 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
7), Pendimethalin @ 1000 g ha
-1 as pre-emergence (T
8), oxyfluorfen @ 200 g ha
-1 as pre-emergence (T
9), imazethapyr
+ imazamox @ 80 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
10), imazethapyr
+ pendimethal in (RM) @1000 g ha
-1 as pre-emergence (T
11), imazethapyr @ 60 g ha
-1 as post-emergence (T
12), Weed free (Three hand weeding at 20, 45 and 65 DAP) (T
13) and weedy check (T
14). The treatments were replicated three times in a randomized block design. All weed management practices proved effective in controlling the weeds in Japanese mint and gave significantly higher dry matter accumulation, fresh herbage yield and oil yield over weedy check. Pre emergence application of imazethapyr + pendimethalin at 1000 g ha
-1 was found to be most effective control of all major weeds and recorded maximum dry matter accumulation, fresh herbage yield and oil yield (184.58 and 188.11 kg ha
-1) during 2015 and 2017, respectively, which was significantly superior to rest of the treatments while at par with post emergence application of imazethapyr
+ imazamox @ 80 g ha
-1 as post emergence, pendimethalin @ 1000 g ha
-1 as
pre emergence and imazethapyr @ 60 g ha
-1 as post-emergence. The net return (Rs. 155725) and B: C ratio (2.29) were also higher with pre emergence application of imazethapyr + pendimethalin at 1000 g ha
-1 as pre-emergence.
Yashwant Yadav, Rajesh Kumar, Anjali Kumari, Vishuddha N and SK Verma. Effect of Herbicides on dry matter accumulation, fresh herbage yield, oil yield and profitability of Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis L). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):49-53.