Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)
Knowledge of trainees and non trainees farmers towards activities of Kirshi Vigyan Kendra in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh
Alimul Islam and Dr. Dipak Kumar Bose
The study was conducted in Masaudha block of Faizabad district in Uttar Pradesh “to ascertain the knowledge of trainees and non trainees farmers towards activities of Kirshi Vigyan Kendra of Faizabad District in Uttar Pardesh” A total of 120 respondents were selected randomly from five villages. Ex-post-facto research design was followed and data were collected by the pre-tested interview schedule. It was found that majority (73.00%) trainees farmer had high level of knowledge where 37.00 per cent non trainees had medium level of knowledge and 63.00 per cent non trainees had low level of knowledge about different activities of Kirshi Vigyan Kendra.
Pages: 305-307 | 1210 Views 297 Downloads
Alimul Islam and Dr. Dipak Kumar Bose. Knowledge of trainees and non trainees farmers towards activities of Kirshi Vigyan Kendra in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):305-307.