Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)
Studies on physicochemical characteristics of drumstick (Moringa oleifera) PODS
Mohammad Shareef, RB Kshirsagar, AR Sawate, Syed Zubair, Waghaye SY, BM Patil and Mohammad Nisar
(Moringa oleifera)
is one of the world’s most nutritious crop and is one the most popular vegetables grown throughout India. It has helped mankind in combating malnutrition in children and increase immunity. It is a multi function plant cultivated in the tropics around the world for high protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrate content. The
Moringa oleifera pods having average weight of pod (70.5 g), average weight of 100 pod (7061 gm), average length of pod (47.5 cm), width of pod (5.3 cm), number of seeds/pod 15 and weight (43.1 g)/100 seed. The moisture content of
Moringa oleifera pods was 84.01 ±2 per cent, total ash content was found to be 2.94±0.02 per cent. The crude protein, Crude fiber and fat content were 3.4±0.50, 5.1±0.70 and 0.1±0.002 per cent respectively. The potassium content of
Moringa oleifera pods was 248 ±9 mg/100g. From the research it was concluded that the
Moringa oleifera pods having very good nutritional value and having good source of nutrition.
Pages: 433-435 | 2271 Views 996 Downloads
Mohammad Shareef, RB Kshirsagar, AR Sawate, Syed Zubair, Waghaye SY, BM Patil and Mohammad Nisar. Studies on physicochemical characteristics of drumstick (Moringa oleifera) PODS. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):433-435.