Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)
Performance evaluation of four row self propelled paddy transplanter for black cotton soil
Murali M, M Anantachar and B Devojee
Field Trials were conducted at gagavathi in during kharif 2014 with view to reduce cost of transplanting operation of paddy crop. A self propelled four row paddy transplanter (Kubato Model) was used for the transplanting purpose. The performance of the mechanical self propelled paddy transplanter was found quite satisfactory. The field capacity, field efficiency and fuel consumption of the four row self propelled paddy transplanter were 0.1 ha/h, 65% and 10 lit/ha, respectively. The cost of mechanical transplanting was found to be 1500 Rs/ha as compared to Rs 5000 Rs/ha as in case of traditional method of manual transplanting followed by farmers in the region. Crop yield in both manual and mechanical transplanting was found at par with average grain yield. The machine was found to be farmer friendly and feasible in terms of time, money and labour requirement as compared to manual method transplanting of paddy.
Pages: 452-454 | 1825 Views 821 Downloads
Murali M, M Anantachar and B Devojee.
Performance evaluation of four row self propelled paddy transplanter for black cotton soil. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):452-454. DOI: