Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)
Productivity potential and efficiency and economic feasibility of tomato based intercropping systems in solid soilless media under protected condition
Subhradeep Pramanik, Jitendra Singh and Rajshree Gayen
An investigation for the evaluation of tomato based intercropping system was conducted during
Kharif (July-December), 2017 under naturally ventilated polyhouse at Centre of Excellence on Protected Cultivation and Precision Farming, I.G.K.V., Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Elephant foot yam, colocasia, turmeric and ginger were selected as intercrops. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with three replications. For assessment of the overall productivity potential and efficiency of all the intercropping systems studied in this experiment, tomato equivalent yield and LER were determined. Among different systems studied, highest tomato equivalent yield was obtained in tomato + elephant foot yam intercropping system closely followed by tomato + ginger intercropping system. Tomato + turmeric intercropping system registered the highest LER value followed by tomato + ginger intercropping system. Economic analysis of different intercropping systems revealed that tomato + elephant foot yam intercropping system had the highest net returns per acre followed by tomato + ginger. Tomato + elephant foot yam and tomato + ginger intercropping system were found most remunerative on the basis of benefit: cost ratio. Elephant foot yam and ginger were found to be the best intercrops and may be recommended for achieving the much desired yield and monetary return for vegetable based intercropping system in solid soilless media under protected condition for food and nutrition security.
Pages: 604-609 | 1336 Views 452 Downloads
Subhradeep Pramanik, Jitendra Singh and Rajshree Gayen. Productivity potential and efficiency and economic feasibility of tomato based intercropping systems in solid soilless media under protected condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):604-609.