Present experiments were conducted to see the effect of different organic matter on some physical and chemical properties of soil collected from rice field. Ten treatments
viz., T1- 100% N through city compost, T2- 75% N through city compost, T3- 100% N through vermicompost, T4- 75% N through vermicompost, T5- 100% N through Industrial waste-1, T-6 75% N through Industrial waste-1, T-7 100% N through Industrial waste-2, T-8 75% N through Industrial waste-2, T-9 100% N through FYM and T-10 75% N through FYM were used for study and a medium duration scented rice variety “Tarun Bhog” was taken as test crops. The results revealed that the significantly highest (7.48) pH of soil was found in treatment T4, highest EC (Electrical conductivity) value 0.23 dsm
-1 recorded in treatment T2 and OC (Organic carbon) value 0.67% was observed in T5. The maximum and bulk density found insignificant and it varied from 1.32-1.37Mg m
3. The status primary nutrient (N, P, K) in soil after harvest was recorded significantly highest (220, 11.93, 345.75 kg ha-1 respectively) in the treatment T5. Application of T5- 100% N through Industrial waste-1 was found best among all the organic manure in rice cultivation .
Ankita Tirkey, RN Singh, Rinky Roy and Sushma. Effect of different organic matter on some physical and chemical properties of soil collected from rice field. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):869-872.