The present experiment was carried out during September, 2016 to March, 2018 in Research Field of Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Allahabad. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design (RBD), with thirteen treatments, replicated thrice. The treatments were T
0 = Control, T
1 = GA
3 150 ppm, T
2 = GA
3 200 ppm, T
3 = GA
3 250 ppm, T
4 = GA
3 300 ppm, T
5 = NAA 150 ppm, T
6 = NAA 200 ppm, T
7= NAA 250 ppm, T
8 = NAA 300 ppm, T
9 = CCC 150 ppm, T
10 = CCC 200 ppm, T
11 = CCC 250 ppm and T
12 = CCC 300 ppm. To evaluate shelf life parameters 7 treatments were replicated thrice in randomized design
viz. T
1= Silver nitrate (100 ppm), T
2 = Silver nitrate (200 ppm), T
3 Benzyladenine (100 ppm), T
4 Benzyladenine (200 ppm), T
5 Benzyladenine (100 ppm) + Silver nitrate (100 ppm), T
6 =Benzyaleadenine (200) + Silver nitrate
(200ppm), T
7 = Control (water). From the present investigation from two years experimental trial it is concluded that the treatment T
3 (GA
3 250 ppm) is found to be best in terms of growth and yield parameters as well as cost benefit ratio and lowest was recorded in treatment T
0 (Control) in all the growth and yield parameters, In terms of shelf life of flower the longest shelf life (hours) and lowest physiological loss in weight was recorded in treatment T
4 (Benzyl adenine 200 ppm) followed by treatment T
5 (Benzyl adenine 100 ppm + Silver nitrate 100 ppm) and lowest was recorded in T
7 control (water).
Sanjay Kumar Mishra, Saket Mishra and Vijay Bahadur. Effect of growth regulators on growth, yield and shelf life in amaryllis lily (Amaryllis belladona) cv. Zephyranthes. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):1217-1219.