Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)
Evaluation of kharif onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties under different planting dates
M Dhar, J Mandal, TK Maity and Smaranika Mohanta
In a field experiment the performance of eight onion varieties (Bhima Dark Red, Bhima Super, Bhima Shubhra, Bhima Shweta, Bhima Raj, Bhima Red, Baswant-780 and Agrifound Dark Red) were assessed under four transplanting dates (1
st and 15
th August and 1
st and 15
th September) to make off-season onion production a success in western Red & Laterite Zone of West Bengal. Delay in planting from August to September significantly increases the growth and yield parameters of onion varieties. Higher total and marketable bulb yield per hectare was obtained from Bhima Shweta, Baswant-780 and Agrifound Dark Red. Thus, red onion varieties Baswant-780 and Agrifound Dark Red and white onion variety Bhima Shweta may be advocated to grow under Red & Laterite Zone of West Bengal during September month for high marketable yield.
Pages: 1317-1321 | 1838 Views 1014 Downloads
M Dhar, J Mandal, TK Maity and Smaranika Mohanta. Evaluation of kharif onion (Allium cepa L.) varieties under different planting dates. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):1317-1321.