Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 2 (2019)
Bio-efficacy of plants extracts against Alternaria carthmi caused Alternaria Leaf spot of safflower
Manu Upadhyay, Ram Chandra and Ajad Patel
Safflower (
Carthomus tinctorius L) is most important oilseed crop and several bacteria, fungi and virus infect it and cause diseases.
Alternaria Leaf spot of Safflower is very worst disease and distributed worldwide in all safflower growing countries. This disease is caused by
Alternaria carthmi and pathogen affect the oil content of safflower and yield. Experiment carried out on Bio-efficacy of plant extracts against
Alternaria carthmi caused
Alternaria Leaf spot of Safflower. Five plant extracts viz,
Azadirachta indica,
Capsicum annum,
Allium sativum (bulbs),
Eucalyptus globulus,
Mentha arvensis and mixture of all plant extract each of them at two concentration 15% and 25% were evaluated against
Alternaria carthmi. Mixture of all plant extracts and garlic (bulbs) extracts were found highly effective against pathogen at both 15% and 25% concentration and mycelial inhibition was recorded 62.16% at 25% concentration. Another two plant extracts Neem and chilli was also found to be effective against pathogen and both showed 52.15% inhibition at 25% concentration. There are different plant extracts are available in nature. However, some plant extracts are highly effective and some plant extracts are not effective against pathogen. Therefore, this investigation will be helpful to the farmers for selection of suitable plant extracts, used as a control of
Alternaria Leaf spot of Safflower.
Pages: 1615-1618 | 1052 Views 315 Downloads
Manu Upadhyay, Ram Chandra and Ajad Patel. Bio-efficacy of plants extracts against Alternaria carthmi caused Alternaria Leaf spot of safflower. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(2):1615-1618.