Anju Bijarnia, OP Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Roshan Kumawat and Ramesh Choudhary
A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy farm, S. K. N. College of Agriculture, Jobner (Rajasthan) during
Kharif 2016, on loamy sand soil. The experiment comprising of four levels of Nitrogen (0, 20, 40, 60 kg N/ha) and four levels of Potassium (0, 10, 20, 30 kg K
2O/ha), thereby making 16 treatment combination was laid out in randomized block design and replicated thric. Results indicated that progressive increase in level of nitrogen up to 40 kg/ha significantly increased the plant height and dry matter accumulation/plant at all the growth stages, number of branches/plant, leaf area index, and chlorophyll content over preceding levels. Yield and total N, P and K uptake also increase significantly with nitrogen at 40 kg/ha and further increase in nitrogen level to 60 kg/ha could not enhance the above parameters significantly. Results further revealed that progressive increase in level of potassium upto 20 kg/ha significantly increased the growth and yield determining characters of sesame
viz., plant height, dry matter accumulation/plant at most of the stages, leaf area index, number of branches/plant, seed and stalk yield of sesame over 10 kg K
2O/ha and control. The above treatment remained at par with 30 kg K
2O/ha. Total N, P and K uptake also increase in the same manner.
Anju Bijarnia, OP Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Roshan Kumawat and Ramesh Choudhary. Effect of nitrogen and potassium on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under loamy sand soil of Rajasthan. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):566-570.