Line x Tester mating design analysis was carried out in Indian mustard using 15 Indian mustard varieties/strains and 4 testers to study the
combining ability and heterosis for yield and its components. General and specific combining ability (gca and sca) variances showed major contribution for all the thirteen characters studied. TERIWRBJ-32-1, RK-08-1, PARASMANI-2-10, SKM-0301, Maya, RGN-228 and RRN-631 among the lines and Kranti and NDYR-8 among testers in E1 (timely sown) whereas TERIWRBJ-32-1, JMM-08-1, TERIHOJ-48, Sahib-36 and LET–14-1 among the lines and Basanti among testers in E2 (late sown) condition were identified as superior donors for seed yield. Based on the magnitude of heterosis over BP, MP as well as SV, crosses
viz., Pusa Karishma × NDRE-4, RK-08-1 × NDRE-4, PARASMANI-2-10 × NDRE-4 in E1 and RRN-631 × Basanti, TERIWRBJ-32-1 × Basanti, Sahib-36 × Basanti, Pusa Karishma ×NDRE-4 in E2 emerged as outstanding crosses for seed yield per plant. Best five cross combinations based on desirable SCA effects for seed yield were Pusa Karishma × NDRE -4 (6.88), PRKS-28 x Basanti, BPR-1205-5 × Basanti, TERIWRBJ-32-1 × NDYR–8 & LET-14-1 × Basanti in E1 and Pusa Karishma × NDRE-4, PRKS-28 × Kranti, NDRS-2001 × NDYR -8, TERIWRBJ -32-1 × Basanti & LET–14-1 × NDYR-8 in E2. Heterosis and
per se performance may be used to select crosses for exploitation of heterosis in Indian mustard.
Nupur Malviya, K Kumar and DK Upadhyay. Combining ability and heterosis for seed yield, its component traits and oil content in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):696-699.