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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)

The effect of irrigation and foliar spray of nutrients and growth hormones on nutrient uptake and water use efficiency of lentil


Bharti Sodi, Dr. GK Shrivastava and Purushottam

The field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2017-18 at the Research cum Instructional Farm, under all India Coordinated Research Project on MULLaRP, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, I.G.K.V. Raipur (CG.) on ‘The effect of irrigation and foliar spray of nutrients and growth hormones on nutrient uptake and water use efficiency of lentil’ The experiment was laid out in Strip Plot Design having the combination of fourteen treatments and three replications. The treatment consisted of seven foliar nutrients spray and two irrigation levels. The experiment was comprised of factor A. Horizontal plot (Irrigation level-2) I1-One irrigation (35 DAS), I2-Two irrigation (35 and 65 DAS) B. Vertical plot (Foliar Spray-7) F1-Water Spray, F2-Nitrobenzene @ 0.3%, F3-N: P: K:: 19:19:19 @ 1% solution, F4-Multi micro nutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn, B, Cu, Mo) @ 0.1%, F5-Plant growth hormones mixture (Cytokinins and Enzymes) @ 0.15%, F6-N: P: K:: 19:19:19:@ 1% + Multi micro nutrient (Fe, Mn,Zn, B,Cu,Mo) @ 0.1%, F7-N: P: K: 19:19:19 + Multi micro nutrients + Plant growth hormones. Significantly maximum N, P and K uptake in seed, stover as well as in total was recorded with I2-Two irrigations followed by I1-One irrigation. As regards to foliar spray, significantly higher N, P and K uptake in seed, stover and in total was noted under F7-N: P: K: 19:19:19 + MMN + PGHM as compared to others, however, it was at par to treatmentsF6- N: P: K: 19:19:19: + MMN, F3-N: P: K:: 19:19:19 @ 1% and F4-Multi Micro Nutrients. Between the irrigation levels, significantly higher water use efficiency (86.79 kg ha-1cm) was recorded with I1-One irrigation as compared to I2-Two irrigation (66.06 kg ha-1cm). As regards to the foliar spray of micronutrients and growth hormones, maximum water use efficiency (89.56 kg ha-1cm) was recorded with F7- N: P: K:: 19:19:19 + MMN + PGHM. However, it was at par to treatment F6-N: P: K: 19:19:19 + MMN (82.13 kg ha-1). The minimum water use efficiency (58.03 kg ha-1cm) was observed with F1- Control (water spray).

Pages: 797-801  |  996 Views  304 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
Bharti Sodi, Dr. GK Shrivastava and Purushottam. The effect of irrigation and foliar spray of nutrients and growth hormones on nutrient uptake and water use efficiency of lentil. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):797-801.

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