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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)

Impact of horticulture based integrated farming system on farmer’s income and welfare in Northern Karnataka


MG Kerutagi, Malatesh Talavar and Pavitra AS

The results of the research study conducted in Northern Karnataka to assess the impact of horticulture based integrated farming system on farmer’s income and welfare revealed that the average age of sample respondents of both integrated and non integrated farming systems were 44 and 61 years with the average family size of 5 in each of the cases. With respect to education, relatively higher proportions of the sample respondents are more literate in IFS than Non-IFS. The average farm size in the identified different farming systems found to be the largest in farming system-I (3.50 ha).The per hectare total cost incurred by sample farmers of IFS was Rs. 1,63,060 and it was Rs.2,67,840 for non integrated farming system sample farmers. The major item of cost under different farming was variable cost. The total variable cost in Non-Integrated farming system was more (Rs. 1, 69,172) compared to integrated farming system (Rs. 97, 612). The gross returns obtained by farmers of integrated farming system were Rs. 2, 62,602 per hectare. Similarly for Non-integrated farming system farmers the gross returns obtained were Rs. 2, 86,939 per hectare. Average net returns realized from different integrated farming systems together were the highest (Rs. 99,539) compared to Non-Integrated farming system (Rs. 19,098). Similarly Returns per rupee of expenditure of integrated farming system was higher (1.61) compared to Non-Integrated farming system (1.07). Integrated horticulture based farming system was a profitable venture and has positive influence on the standard of living and economic status of the farming community compared to Non- Integrated farming system, besides avoiding price risk and improvement in nutritional value of food as expressed by the respondents.

Pages: 1010-1019  |  2229 Views  1470 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
MG Kerutagi, Malatesh Talavar and Pavitra AS. Impact of horticulture based integrated farming system on farmer’s income and welfare in Northern Karnataka. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):1010-1019.

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