Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)
Performance of promising genotypes of gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella L.) for yield attributes and storage study
Sai Salve, Bhalekar SG, Nagesh Gawade and Yogesh Nilwarn
In India floriculture industry is gaining importance for domestic and export market. Indian blanket blooms profusely even in light sands along seashore. The Gaillardias provide an abundant supply of cut flowers with little effort. The present investigation was conducted at Horticulture section, college of Agriculture, Pune with objectives to assess the promising genotypes of gaillardia for yield characters and examine the storage performance. Based on the results obtained from the investigation the genotype MG-9-1, MG-2-2 and MG-6-2 showed better storage performance and quantitative characters.
Pages: 1032-1034 | 1214 Views 452 Downloads
Sai Salve, Bhalekar SG, Nagesh Gawade and Yogesh Nilwarn. Performance of promising genotypes of gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella L.) for yield attributes and storage study. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):1032-1034.