Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)
Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield attributes and yield of fodder sorghum CO (FS)26
AP Srinivasaperumal, R Tthamizhmani, S Kalaisudarson, M Saravana Perumal and G Sivakumar
Field investigation was conducted at the Annamalai University Experimental Farm, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu (India) during 2017. To study the effect of organic and inorganic nutrient on growth of fodder of sorghum co (F5)26. The treatment comprised of T1- Control (no organic & inorganic), T2-100% Recommended dose of fertilizer, T3 – 75% RDF+ Vermi Compost @ 5 t ha-1, T4- 75% RDF+ Enriched Farmyard Manure (EFYM) @ 750 Kgha-1, T5- 75% RDF+ Panchagavya 3%Foliar Spray at 20 DAS, T6- 75% RDF + Effective microorganisms (EM) 2% Foliar spray 20 DAS, T7- 50% RDF + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1, T8- 50% RDF + Enriched Farmyard Manure (EFYM) @ 750 Kg ha-1, T9- 50% RDF + Panchagavya 3% Foliar Spray at 20 DAS, T10 - 50% RDF + Effective microorganism (EM) 2% Foliar Spray 20 DAS, T11- 75% RDF + Vermicompost + Enriched Farmyard Manure + Panchagavya + Effective microorganisms, T12- 50% RDF + Vermicompost + Enriched Farmyard manure + Panchagavya + Effective microorganism, on Experiment was conducted Randomized Block design with three replication. The result revealed that the leaf stem ratio, dry matter production and yield was significantly altered by the treatment effect. The highest yield parameters and yield were recorded in 75%. Recommended dose fertilizer + Vermicompost 5 t ha-1+ Enriched Farmyard manure 750 Kg ha-1 + Panchagavya 3% on 20 DAS + Effective microorganisms 2% on 20 DAS.
Pages: 1165-1167 | 1359 Views 474 Downloads
AP Srinivasaperumal, R Tthamizhmani, S Kalaisudarson, M Saravana Perumal and G Sivakumar. Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield attributes and yield of fodder sorghum CO (FS)26. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):1165-1167.