Alternative medicine for treatment of arthritis is getting more popular. Making medicinal plants provide relief of symptoms comparable to that obtained from allopathic medicines. The medicinal value of the chosen plant
Ficus benghalensis bark has not been extensively worked out. Therefore, the present study was to investigate the phytochemical screening and anti-arthritic activity of
Ficus benghalensis bark extract. The following conclusion observed from the study. The phytochemical screening
Ficus benghalensis bark showed that the presence of saponins, terpenoids, flavonoids, Triterpenoids, polyphenol, coumarins and glycosides whereastannin, steroids, alkaloids and anthraquinone were absent in
ethanol and aqueous extracts. Significant amount of terpenoids (28mg/gm) saponin (26mg/gm), flavonoids (97mg/gm) and phenol (110mg/gm) were presented. The ethanolic extract confirm the anti-arthritic activity through denaturation method. Overall, it can be concluded from the present study that
Ficus benghalensis bark
contains rich source of phytochemicals.