Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)
Effective healthful medicinal plants as antilithiatic Agents
Khemkaran Ahirwar
There is associate recent and famed reality “the garden is that the poor man's apothecary” and treatment of every and each sickness is hidden in nature. Medicative plants area unit extremely reputable everywhere the globe as an expensive supply of therapeutic agents for the hindrance and treatment of varied diseases. Since ages, herbs area unit being employed for treating completely different| completely different} ailments in several components of world by different communities. A concretion, additionally referred to as a concretion could be a solid concretion or crystal aggregation shaped within the kidneys from dietary minerals within the excretion. The matter of urinary stones or calculi could be a terribly ancient one these stones area unit found altogether components of the tract, the kidney, and also the vesica and will vary significantly in size. Urolithiasis could be a complicated method that happens from series of many chemistry event together with super-saturation, nucleation, growth, aggregation and retention at intervals the kidneys. Gift article deals justifiably, varieties of excretory organ stones, risk factors associated, diagnosing and treatment ways together with several medicative plants as flavourer choice for treatment of urinary stones.
Pages: 1849-1860 | 1588 Views 706 Downloads
Khemkaran Ahirwar. Effective healthful medicinal plants as antilithiatic Agents. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):1849-1860.