Seaweed extract or Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer (SLF) is referred as a new generation potential natural organic product that paves the way for crop improvement. A field experiment was conducted during
kharif 2018 to find the effect of seaweed extract on the growth characters, yield components, yield and quality of greengram. Seed soaking in 0.1 % seaweed extract solution for 30 minutes + foliar application of seaweed extract (0.25%) twice on 25 DAS and 35 DAS recorded significantly the highest values in plant height (56.06 cm), root nodules (10.06), root volume (3.41 g/cc), number of branches at harvest (3.13), dry matter production (3795 kg ha
-1), chlorophyll content of the leaves (52.63), grain yield (1248 kg ha
-1), grain nitrogen per cent (3.95) and grain protein content (24.67%) followed by seed soaking in 0.1 % seaweed extract solution for 30 minutes + foliar application of seaweed extract (0.25%) on 25 DAS (single spray). The presence of micro and macro nutrients, trace elements, humic acid, amino acids, plant growth hormones, vitamins, antibiotics, carbohydrates, metabolite enhancers and other organic matters in seaweed extract enhanced the growth, yield and quality traits of greengram.
Iswarya S, Latha KR and Srinivasan K. Evaluation of seaweed extract on growth determinants, yield and biochemical parameters of greengram (Vigna radiata). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):1861-1864.