Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)
Adoption of safe plant protection measures by vegetable farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Dheeraj Mishra and Kalyan Ghadei
In the case of vegetables, farmers tend to be even more pesticide dependent. The extent of adoption of safe plant protection measures by the farmers of eastern Uttar Pradesh was studied with the help of structured interview schedule. Adoption index was developed to measures the adoption among the respondents. The schedule was administered over 205 vegetable growers of Varanasi and Chandauli districts under various sub-sections including adoption of application equipment, drift control and calibration, adoption of safe transportation, storage, handling & disposal, adoption of Pests & pest control, adoption of Plant Protection Practices Safety. Data indicates the ignorance of more than 80 per cent farmers towards their safety measures stressing upon the dire need for training on pesticides usage, thus, increasing adoption of safe plant protection measures.
Pages: 1915-1918 | 1222 Views 385 Downloads
Dheeraj Mishra and Kalyan Ghadei. Adoption of safe plant protection measures by vegetable farmers of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):1915-1918.