Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2019)
Growth status and variability in production of major commercial flowers in Ratlam district of Madhya Pradesh
Yamini Raut and AK Sarawgi
Floriculture is the study of growing and marketing flowers and foliage plants. Which includes farming of flowering and ornamental plants for sales or for use as raw materials in cosmetic, aroma industries and the pharmaceutical sector. Thus a commercial activity, the person associated with this field is called floriculturists. Floriculture has turned into a part of farmer’s agriculture activity having massive potential for generating self-employment among small and marginal farmers (Bahirat & Jadav 2011). The result shows the trend was found positive for the area in aster and navranga flowers. It was found positive in production of aster and gladiolus. In regard to the productivity, it was found positive in rose and navranga flowers. SGR in the area was observed positive for tube-rose, aster and navranga flowers. For production, it was positive in only aster flower. In regard of the productivity, it was found positive for rose and navranga flowers. Regarding variability in area more variation was observed in chrysanthemum (CV=103%). In the case of production, it was more in gladiolus (CV=125.60%) and for productivity, it was found more in gladiolus (CV= 103.4%).
Pages: 2229-2235 | 1091 Views 374 Downloads
Yamini Raut and AK Sarawgi. Growth status and variability in production of major commercial flowers in Ratlam district of Madhya Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):2229-2235.