GD Umadevi, V Sumathi, A Pratap Kumar Reddy, P Sudhakar and K Lavanya Kumari
Field experiments were conducted during 2017-18 to 2018-19 at Tirupati (AP) to evaluate the direct and residual effects of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on yield of cowpea-little millet cropping sequence. Three levels of organic manures (no organic manure, FYM @ 5 tonnes ha
-1 and poultry manure @2 tonnes ha
-1) and 3 phosphorus levels (0, 40 and 60 kg P
5 ha
-1) applied to cowpea and 3 graded levels of nitrogen
viz., 0, 10 and 20 kg ha
-1 applied to succeeding little millet. Yield attributes and yield of cowpea varied with manures and phosphorus levels. Poultry manure @ 2 tonnes ha
-1 resulted in higher number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, pod and haulm yields which was on par with application of FYM @ 5 tonnes ha
-1. Among the phosphorus levels, application of 60 kg P
5 ha
-1 resulted in higher pod yield. Yield attributes and yield of little millet were influenced by the residual effect of organic manures and phosphorus applied to cowpea, as well as nitrogen levels applied to little millet, where 20 kg N ha
-1 resulted in significantly higher values of yield attributes and yield compared to 10 kg N ha
-1 and control. This study concluded that the application of poultry manure to preceding cowpea showed residual effect by saving nitrogen dose to succeeding little millet.
GD Umadevi, V Sumathi, A Pratap Kumar Reddy, P Sudhakar and K Lavanya Kumari. Effect of organic manures and phosphorus on cowpea and their residual effect on succeeding little millet. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):2236-2239.