The experiment was conducted at Department of Seed Science and Technology G.K.V.K, U.A.S, Bengaluru to investigate the “Effect of seed treatment chemicals on seed quality and storabillty in rice (
Oryza sativa l.) Hybrid KRH-4
”. Freshly harvested seeds were treated with the different seed treatment chemicals. The seeds were stored for twelve months under ambient condition and observation were recorded on seed quality parameters bimonthly up to ten months and their after observation were recorded monthly interval. Among different seed treatment chemicals, seeds treated with spinosad 45SC @ 2 ppm had better seed storability and seed quality parameters such as moisture content (10.18%), test weight (18.97 g), germination (80.08%), seedling vigour index-II (846), electrical conductivity of see leachates (3.79 dSm
-1), pH of seed lechates (7.33). alpha amylase activity (0.27 cm), total dehydrogenase activity (0.36 A
480nm),seed infection (15.37%), seed infestation (22.17%) and field emergence (76.29%). This study could be concluded, that the rice hybrid KRH-4 treated with Spinosad 45SC @ 2 ppm stored for longer period. However, untreated seeds recorded lower seed quality parameters.
Balappa Sattigeri, Parashivamurthy, Siddaraju R and Harish MS. Effect of seed treatment chemicals on seed quality and storabillty in rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybrid KRH-4. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):123-125.