Experiment was conducted on rice (
Oryza sativa) during
Kharif, 2015 at Instructional Farm of Krishi
Vigyan Kendra, Raigarh (C.G.) to investigate the yield limiting nutrients through crop response in Inceptisols with rice (MTU-1010) as test crop. The experiments were laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 11 treatments and 3 replications. Yield attributing characters
viz. effective tillers, filled grains panicle
-1 and grain and straw yields of rice were significantly influenced by nutrient omission treatments. The omission of N, P, S and Zn resulted in significant reductions in yield attributing parameters and grain and straw yields. Highest grain and straw yields (16.01 and 30.57 g pot
-1) were recorded with the treatment receiving all the nutrients whereas the lowest with omission of N (18.01 and 32.58 g pot
-1) followed by P, S and Zn omission. The omission of N reduced the grain yield by 47.64% while P omission reduced grain yield by 40.82% over the treatment receiving all nutrients. Per cent reduction of grain yield under different nutrient omitted pots followed the order N > P > S >Zn. The omission of N, P and S reduced the yield attributing parameters and grain and straw yields significantly over the treatment receiving all the nutrients. Nutrient uptake by rice was significantly reduced with omission of N, P and S. On the basis of per cent grain yield reduction, the limiting nutrients found in the order of N > P > S.