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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)

Fertilizer economy through under soil- test crop response targeted yield model in maize crop in Chandauli district, Uttar Pradesh


YV Singh, SK Singh, P Dey, RN Meena and Shobhit Singh

Studies on soil test crop response based integrated nutrient management were conducted for the desired yield targets of Maize, on Alluvial soil of Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during in kharif 2018. Testing of developed fertilizer prescription equation is necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness of technology delivery to the stake holders in need. To assess the validation of fertilizer prescription a series of experiment was setup in five locations of eastern plain zone of Utter Pradesh. Soils of the selected location are analyzed initially for available N, P and K. Treatments include control, farmer practices, general recommended dose of fertilizer and STCR based fertilizer dose for a yield target of 30 and 35q ha-1. The results of the experiments indicated that in all the five locations, the per cent achievement of the targeted yield was within ±10% variation proving the validity of the equations for prescribing integrated fertilizer doses for maize. The highest per cent increment in yield was recorded in the yield target of 35 q ha-1 (21.65 per cent) followed by 30 q ha-1 (15.40 per cent) over farmer’s practice. The highest mean grain yield was recorded in STCR–35 q ha-1 (3569 kg ha-1). The highest benefit: cost ratio (3.33) was recorded in STCR 35 q ha-1 is followed by STCR 30 q ha-1 (3.24). The fertilizer prescription equations developed for maize under IPNMS can be recommended for alluvial Inceptisol of eastern Utter Pradesh for achieving a yield target of 35 q ha-1 with higher economic return.

Pages: 481-483  |  1239 Views  617 Downloads

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
How to cite this article:
YV Singh, SK Singh, P Dey, RN Meena and Shobhit Singh. Fertilizer economy through under soil- test crop response targeted yield model in maize crop in Chandauli district, Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):481-483.

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