Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)
Evaluation of flubendiamide 3.5% + hexaconazole 5% WG for the management of lepidopteron pests and powdery mildew disease in blackgram
Shobharani M and Sunil A Kulkarni
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif, 2016 to evaluate the efficacy of Flubendiamide 3.5% + Hexaconazole 5% WG for the management of lepidopteron pests and powdery mildew disease in blackgram at Agricultural Research station, Bidar, Karnataka. Among the two doses of evaluated, Flubendiamide 3.5% + Hexaconazole5% WG @ 1250 g/ha was proved to be ideal for the management of
Spodoptera litura,
Helicoverpa armigera and powdery mildew disease in blackgram with increase in the yield.
Pages: 756-759 | 1322 Views 595 Downloads
Shobharani M and Sunil A Kulkarni. Evaluation of flubendiamide 3.5% + hexaconazole 5% WG for the management of lepidopteron pests and powdery mildew disease in blackgram. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):756-759.