Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)
The quantification study of biomedical waste management of the private hospitals in the Allahabad city
The handling and disposal of Bio-medical waste (BMW) proper is very imperative. There are set of rules for handling biomedical wastes worldwide. Unfortunately, due to lack of an adequate training and awareness, in execution of these rules leads to staid health and environment apprehension. The issue of indiscriminate Bio-Medical Waste in India has attracted the attention of the highest judicial body at the level of Hon’ble Supreme court of India and Apex court has, from time to time issued instructions regarding management of Bio-Medical Waste. According to a WHO report, around 85% of the hospital wastes are actually non-hazardous, 10% are infective (hence, hazardous), and the remaining 5% are non-infectious but hazardous (chemical, pharmaceutical and radioactive). In this background in persuasion to the directive of the Court, the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India notified the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules on 27th July 1998; under the provision of Environment Protection Act 1986. Accordingly, all the hospitals in the public and private sector are now bound to follow these rules to evade legal actions.
Pages: 793-800 | 1110 Views 514 Downloads
Sapna Verma. The quantification study of biomedical waste management of the private hospitals in the Allahabad city. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):793-800.