Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)
Development and evaluation of phosphate solubilising native yeast on sambar onion (Allium cepa var aggregatum)
Nandish MS, Chethana T, Anitha GU, Suchitha Y and Nandeesha SV
In an attempt to isolate and evaluate native yeast on growth and yield of sambar onions. As many as four phosphate solubilising yeasts were isolated from the different fruits like pineapple sapota, banana and grape and all the yeast isolates were named as PSY - 1, PSY - 2, PSY - 3, and PSY - 4. Further, the yeast isolates were characterized based on morphological and biochemical characters as Streptomyces species. In
in vitro screening experiments, the PSY-4 yeast isolate showed maximum zone of solubilization of phosphorous of 1.3 cm on sperber’s media and the same isolates released the maximum of inorganic phosphorous of 7.80% in to the sperber’s broth media after 10
th day of incubation. Whereas, the other three isolates also solubilised the phosphorous but comparatively less than the PSY - 4 yeast isolate. The efficient isolate PSY - 4 along with varied levels and sources of phosphorous were evaluated on growth and yield of onion. With reference to number of leaves, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight of plant, and the treatments where 100% N and K + 100% P through rock phosphate + PSY - 4 showed the better results over the control. However, with reference plant NPK content of sambar onion, the same treatment showed the maximum plant NPK content of 160.00, 198.33 and 168.33 mg/plant respectively revealing the influence of PSY - 4 on growth and yield of sambar onion.
Pages: 1164-1168 | 730 Views 297 Downloads
Nandish MS, Chethana T, Anitha GU, Suchitha Y and Nandeesha SV. Development and evaluation of phosphate solubilising native yeast on sambar onion (Allium cepa var aggregatum). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):1164-1168.