Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)
Evaluation of growth character and physical parameters of fruits in selected F4 progenies of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) under Konkan agroclimatic conditions
PP Satam, KV Malshe and PB Sanap
A field experiment was conducted at Vegetable Improvement Scheme, Central Experimental Station, Wakawali, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri during
Rabi season under Konkan agroclimatic conditions to assess the eight F
4 progenies of chilli (
Capsicum annum L.) along with check (Konkan Kirti) for vegetative growth and fruit characters. The plant height at 30 DAT (23.31 cm), 60 DAT (56.20 cm), 90 DAT (67.87 cm) and at last harvest was highest in progeny ‘BC-24 x ACSS9818’. The maximum number of branches per plant at last harvest stage was in ‘Pant C-3 x Konkan Kirti’ (9.80) progeny. The maximum average plant spread was observed in progeny ‘BC-24 x ACSS9818’ (58.00 cm). All progenies showed ‘Solitary’ flowering habit and ‘Pendent’ position habit.
Pages: 1494-1496 | 788 Views 298 Downloads
PP Satam, KV Malshe and PB Sanap. Evaluation of growth character and physical parameters of fruits in selected F4 progenies of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) under Konkan agroclimatic conditions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):1494-1496.