Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)
Effect of polymer seed coating on Phenophasic developments, Morpho- physiological and yield attributes of soybean
GS Lodhi, RK Samaiya, Yogendra Singh and SK Dwivedi
The present study was conducted at the Research Farm Adhartal, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.) during
Kharif season of 2016-17. Research experiment was laid out in a Randomized block design with five replications and four treatments i.e T0 No treatment or (Water + Thiram), T1- Polymer seed coating (Disco AG SP Red L-200) + Thiram + Carboxine, T2- Polymer seed coating (Disco AG SP Red L-200) + Thiram + Genius coat, T3- Polymer seed coating (Disco AG SP Red L-200) + Thiram + Mycorhiza comprised of soybean genotype JS JS 20-29. Five plants were randomly selected from each treatment and replications for Phenophasic developments, Morpho- physiological and yield attributes of soybean. Improvement in structural yield attributing components resulted in maximum realization of productivity potential of soybean treatments. The significant variation was noted among soybean treatments with respect to their components of yield with biological and seed yield. Plant height, no. of branches per plant, no. of pods per plant, no. of seeds per plant, pod length, pod width, seed index, biological yield, seed yield and harvest index was noted maximum in treatment T2- Polymer seed coating (Disco AG SP Red L-200) + Thiram + Genius coat.
Pages: 1716-1719 | 768 Views 286 Downloads
GS Lodhi, RK Samaiya, Yogendra Singh and SK Dwivedi. Effect of polymer seed coating on Phenophasic developments, Morpho- physiological and yield attributes of soybean. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):1716-1719.