Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2020)
Character association and variability studies in black gram advanced breeding lines
N Anuradha, TSSK Patro, U Triveni, P Joga Rao and S Rajkumar
Black gram is an important pulse crop grown for its high protein content. The production in black gram is mainly hindered due to heavy losses caused by Yellow Mosaic Virus (YMV) disease. For black gram improvement, knowledge on genetic variability and disease free genotypes is a prerequisite. Hence, the present study includes evolution of 15 black gram genotypes yield and its compact traits along with YMV and leaf crinkle scoring. ANOVA reveled significant variations for days to 50% flowering, plant height, No. of pods/plant and grain yield. PU 31 and TBG 129 recorded nil incidence of YMV and very low incidence of leaf crinkle which can be used as a source of disease resistance. PCV ranged from low (8.37) to high (23.52). High heritability was recorded for days to 50% flowering while remaining all traits recorded moderate heritability. Based on heritability and GAM values, none of the traits were controlled by additive gene action alone. Grain yield is expressed by both additive and non additive gene action and it is negatively significantly correlated with YMV and leaf crinkle. Hence selection against diseases is rewarding.
Pages: 1880-1882 | 1341 Views 789 Downloads
N Anuradha, TSSK Patro, U Triveni, P Joga Rao and S Rajkumar. Character association and variability studies in black gram advanced breeding lines. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(1):1880-1882.