Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Effect of different organic sources and biofertilizers on yield and quality production in mango cv. Alphonso
RM Dheware, NA Nalage, BN Sawant, PC Haldavanekar, RA Raut, AY Munj and SN Sawant
An investigation was conducted at Regional Fruit Research Station, Vengurla of Maharashtra, India during 2017-18 to standardize the organic nutrient with biofertilizers management protocol for mango. In this experiment, various organic sources along with various biofertilizers combinations were tested on thirty year old mango cultivar Alphonso to study the effect on fruiting and yield. The maximum number of fruits (52.00 fruits/tree) and while minimum yield (14.70 kg/tree) was recorded with T
2 while minimum number of fruits (35.00 fruits/tree) and yield (9.40 kg/tree) with T
1. High average weight of fruits (317.40 g) and minimum acidity (0.12%) was recorded with T
7, while less average weight of fruit (263.63 g) and maximum acidity (0.23%) was recorded with T
4. Based on the results, it may be concluded that application of FYM (50 kg/plant) +
Azospirillum culture (250 g/tree) + PSB @ 250 g/tree was more remunerative in comparison to other treatments.
Pages: 97-99 | 1573 Views 599 Downloads
RM Dheware, NA Nalage, BN Sawant, PC Haldavanekar, RA Raut, AY Munj and SN Sawant. Effect of different organic sources and biofertilizers on yield and quality production in mango cv. Alphonso. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):97-99.