Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Performance of advanced breeding lines of green long brinjal for resistance to bacterial wilt disease resistance, yield and quality attributes
KP Sahana, Jyothi Kattegoudar, HB Lingaiah, CG Sangeetha, SJ Prashanth, K Padmanabha and Jayashree Ugalat
An experiment was carried out with fourteen advanced breeding lines of green long brinjal genotypes derived from the cross Green Long × IIHR 3 to study the bacterial wilt disease resistance, yield and quality attributes. Fourteen green long genotypes were evaluated in two replications in randomized complete block design along with parents (Green Long and IIHR-3) and checks (Arka Kusumakar and Arka Anand). The highest yield of 836.11g per plant was obtained from 170-9-26. The genotype 46-6-4 (36.70 days) was earliest for days to first flowering. Minimum number of days to 50 per cent of flowering was recorded in 46-6-4 (42.90 days). Genotype 170-19-26 (26.31) expressed the maximum number of fruits per plant. The genotype 46-3-32 (15.80 cm) was recorded maximum fruit length. Maximum fruit width was observed in 170-9-11 (3.10 cm) genotype. 170-9-30 (38.58 g) genotype recorded maximum fruit weight. Nine (46-3-32, 46-3-35, 170-11-1, 170-11-11, 170-9-11, 170-9-30, 170-9-15, 170-9-19,170-19-26) lines were resistant to bacterial wilt disease. With respect to quality parameter, phenol content in fruit was highest in the genotype 170-19-19 (3.56).
Pages: 155-157 | 1489 Views 555 Downloads
KP Sahana, Jyothi Kattegoudar, HB Lingaiah, CG Sangeetha, SJ Prashanth, K Padmanabha and Jayashree Ugalat. Performance of advanced breeding lines of green long brinjal for resistance to bacterial wilt disease resistance, yield and quality attributes. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):155-157.