The extent of heterosis, components of heterosis and combining ability effects were estimated in seven genetically diverse parents of fennel crossed in half diallel fashion. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among entries, parents and their F
1s for most of the characters studied. The parents
vs crosses interaction was found significant and the contribution of heterosis (h
ii’) component from analysis of variance was more than 75% for most of the characters. The specific (s
ii’) component accounted for more than 50% to heterosis sum of squares for most characters indicating the importance of heterosis in the genetic inheritance of the traits. Crosses RF-143 x RF-178, RF-101 x GF-11 and RF-178 x GF-12 had high mean values and high s
ii’ values for all yield related traits. Crosses PF-35 x GF-11, RF-101 x RF-143, GF-11 x GF-12, RF-143 x Rajendra Saurabh and RF-101 x RF-178 had significant specific effects. Varieties RF-178 and GF-12 merit attention as parents based on
per se performance, variety effects (v
i) and varietal heterotic effects (h