Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2020)
Perception of students and teachers towards reforms on agricultural education subject matter
Nupur Biswas, Kalyan Ghadei and Nirupam Biswas
All educational process depends upon the subject matter, which the teacher uses in teaching the students; a reform in agricultural educational curriculum will bring about a desirable change in the knowledge, attitude and skill of the learners and for sustaining in the modern educational aspects there is a need of reform in curriculum of the agricultural students. In this paper, the perception of teachers and students towards reforms of agricultural education has been studied. The study was conducted at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in the Department of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences. A sum of 775 students and teachers were considered which included 356 students of M. Sc. (Ag.), 292 Ph.D. scholars and 127 teachers from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU. Twenty per cent from each category of population were selected randomly making the sample size of 156 as the respondents. The data was collected by the survey method. Both students and teachers (100 per cent) agreed that there should be flexibility of University in adoption of location specific curriculum. It was found that 100 per cent of teachers in comparison to students (89.92%) agreed that the curriculum or syllabus should be prepared in collaboration with the industry and government agencies. Other findings are part of the agriculture syllabus may be oriented toward farmer’s problem, there should be up-gradation of subject matter according to need of region and country, basic laboratory techniques should be taught to every U.G. student, curriculum should be holistic with components of rural and agricultural developments and many more. The study reveals more interesting reforms for agricultural education in terms of subject matter described in this original research article.
Pages: 322-325 | 1059 Views 381 Downloads
Nupur Biswas, Kalyan Ghadei and Nirupam Biswas. Perception of students and teachers towards reforms on agricultural education subject matter. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):322-325.