The on farm testing (OFT) experiment was conducted at farmer field of Palarpatti village of Theni District during Kharif 2018-2019. The experiment trail was conducted to assess the performance of new high yielding Onion varieties for Theni district. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design and replicated thrice with following three treatments; T
1 - Farmers practice (Local variety), T
2 - Co 5, T
3-Arka ujjwal. There are two onion varieties namely, Co 5 and Arka ujjwal was used in this experiment trail. The recommended doses of fertilizer were applied at the time of field preparation as a basal dose. Each trail plot was conducted in 0.25 ha. The primary data collected from the farmers with help of the interview schedule and direct field measurement. The growth and yield parameters such as plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, average weight of cluster (g), no of bulbs per cluster, Bulb weight (gm), yield (t/ha) with value of 37.9, 15.9, 98.4, 7, 64.9 and 19.8 were higher with the Arka ujjwal Onion variety (T
3) followed by, Co 7 Onion variety (T
4). In economics aspects highest B: C ratio (2.51) was recorded in Arka ujjwal Onion variety. The above study reveals that, Arka ujjwal could be considered as a better option for achieving higher productivity and profitability of high yielding onion variety for Theni district.
K Ragu, M Arun Raj, P Maheshwaran and A Premalatha. Performance evaluation of new high yielding onion (Allium cepa L) varieties for Theni district. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2):401-403.